


  1. Appendix A to Session 6: The need for repentance and forgiveness in Christ’s name to bepreached


The Need For Preachers:

  1. We saw in Session 6 that forgiveness comes through repentance – the calling on the name of the LORD.  But we can make a conclusion about preaching from this fact.  Jesus said that ‘repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached in his name to all nations’.  How might he have deduced this from the Old Testament?
  2. Consider two points:  First (as we saw in this session), to be saved, people need to call on the name of the LORD.  What’s more, if they haven’t heard of him, they can’t call on his name.  So everyone in the world needs to know this God who became man, and who died for their sins.  And they can’t know without being told about the LORD.  They need to hear of his name.  They need the news preached to them.
  3. Second, there are promises in the Old Testament about all nations receiving the blessings of God. (e.g. Genesis 12:3, Joel 2:28)
  4. When we put these two facts together, we see that preaching of the LORD’s name must occur in all nations, so that these promises of God can be fulfilled.


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